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High-End Symposium on Northeast Asia International and Regional Studies- "Evaluation of Sustainable Development Goals for North Korea and Its Implication" Successfully Held
author: Date: 2022-11-21 View:

    On November 18th, 2022, the lecture "Evaluation of Sustainable Development Goals for North Korea and Its Implication" of the High-End Symposium on Northeast Asia International and Regional Studies was successfully held at Jilin University. The lecture was jointly organized by the Northeast Asian Research Center of Jilin University, the Northeast Asian Studies College of Jilin University, and the Special Committee for Northeast Asian Regional Studies, Academic Association for International Cultural Exchange. The College of Northeast Asian Studies invited Professor KANG Sung Jin in the Department of Economics of Korea University, to deliver the lecture. Professor Xuan Chunji of the Northeast Asian Studies College of Jilin University hosted the lecture. At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Xuan Chunji, on behalf of Prof. Wu Hao, Dean of the Northeast Asian Studies College of Jilin University, extended a warm welcome and high appreciation to Professor KANG Sung Jin.

    Prof. KANG Sung-Jin received his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University and is an expert in both research and practice. He is currently the vice president of the Korea Society for International Economics, the director of the Institute of Economic Research of Korea University, the director general of the Energy Technology Policy Expert Course of the Graduate School of Energy and Environment of Korea University, the advisor of the Korean version of the New Deal Practice Support Group, and twice the director of the International Division of Korea University.

    In the first part of the lecture, Prof. KANG Sung Jin introduced the definition, concept and scope of economic reform, followed by the ways and performance of reform in different countries, and presented the hypothetical premise of how North Korea would join the economic cooperation in Northeast Asia in the future if it reformed and opened up. In the second part, Prof. Kang predicted the steps of economic reform in North Korea. Finally, Professor Kang assessed the DPRK's sustainable development goals and achievements in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Indicators.

    During the question and answer session, students who attended the lecture online and in person actively asked questions. Prof. KANG Sung Jin was very receptive and had an active discussion with the faculty and students. The atmosphere was lively. At the end of the event, Professor Xuan Chunji said that Prof. KANG's lecture and his research on the topic were of great value, which helped the students and faculty of the Northeast Asian Studies College of Jilin University to clarify their research ideas and discover new research perspectives.

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